Introducing Deuteronomy: The Importance of Instruction
Why is instruction important? The purpose of instruction is to help us understand the basis and foundation of our faith. Deuteronomy 5:32-33 gives us this
Why is instruction important? The purpose of instruction is to help us understand the basis and foundation of our faith. Deuteronomy 5:32-33 gives us this
As we start this new year, what kind of plans, thoughts and ideas have you been having? Have you made any resolutions. Two days ago
Both CS Lewis and RC Sproul asked, “If you could boil down take Christian theology and boil it into one word, what would it be?”
What does God promise to those who hope in Him? Last week was an overview of chapters 1-39 of the book of Isaiah . Something
How does Isaiah present the gospel? Early church fathers, interestingly enough, would refer to Isaiah as the fifth Gospel. I love that term. It would
Where do you look when you need help? Jesus boldly claims who He is in John chapter 10: “Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I
What Child is this? We sing the familiar song at Christmas, but who are we singing about? John 1:14 explains who this Child is to
What kind of man or woman are you? Just after the 911 attack, I was in New York City. I’ve seen some real heroes to
What are two words that represent some of the most important issues in life? The two words are light and truth. Interestingly, in the Bible, Jesus Himself boldly claimed, “I
What are the two paths of life? A path of obedience to God and its blessings, and A path of disobedience to God which brings
Is there anything out there that you would sell your house, your cars, your possessions – all that you had in order to get it?
What do you treasure most in your life? When Jesus speaks in the Bible, there are a number of times He will say, “The Kingdom
Who is caring for the caregivers? Richard’s guest is Phil Reddick leading our 3rd annual Caregiving Seminar, hosted by The Center’s ministry FinishWell, along with co-hosts YBL and WBL Hear
What is God’s message to us in these days? Our guest Dr. Mark Gignilliat continues teaching in our study of Deuteronomy. God’s call to the
Do you remember what happened on November 22nd 1963? John F. Kennedy was assassinated on that day. C.S. Lewis also died on that day. For
How do we know that heaven is real? I think some of you know that my brother passed away back in May. He had been
Are you praying for God’s protection over your life and for your loved ones? This is the last message in our 9-part series. I think
Are you anxious about the future? David Wells, who is quite the scholar, wrote a book about 15 years ago, called Losing Our Virtue. And listen
When a storm enters your life, what do you do? You know what I mean by storm, right? Something very difficult comes into your life.
What is our tendency when we become really satisfied? Often times we become complacent. We think we've got life figured out. We take it for
Who is the greatest Christian in the world? 18th century theologian William Law beautifully answers this question, which is the theme of this episode: “Would
What does sacrifice mean? Is it a bad thing? To sacrifice is to forfeit something of great value to you, but you do it for
What does total commitment mean to you? Whenever you truly commit to something or someone, you have to give up something in the process. In
Does how we pray matter to God? In Part 1 we discussed these 2 principles: the importance of approaching God with humility, and praying with
What is prayer? And what does it mean to have a prayer life? The last time that we talked on prayer, I commented that in
How can you put science with faith? In this episode, my guest is Dr. Ken Boa. He is exploring a huge topic, so get your
Where is your hope? Is your hope in success, your accomplishments or in a comfortable life? In scripture, Jesus constantly connects fear and anxiety in
If you knew you had one day left to live, and you wanted to leave your children some kind of final instruction, what would you
What are you thirsting for? When you desire something, there's generally something out there that will fulfill or satisfy that desire. But, one of the
Psalm 112 tells us about two kinds of fear. This chapter leans into both kinds, and it also tells us that these two fears cannot
How can you and I be ready for what comes after this life? Today Richard's guest is Allan Chappelle, teaching an overview of Bible prophecy.
When facing death, where is your hope? Yes this is not the season of Easter, but the truth of the resurrection of Christ is where
What is your strategy for dealing with your mortality? Years ago, a friend of mine came to me, concerned about his father, who was a
As we lead up to Father's Day, I'd like to share a message that my good friend Jerry Leachman gave at one of our Mens
When Jesus raises from the dead and ascends to the right hand of the Father, what is He doing? What is Jesus doing now? He
What is the role of understanding in our lives? I remember years ago, driving back from a vacation with our kids, who at the time
What is the purpose of planting? Of course, the purpose of planting is to yield something more than just the seeds that one plants. The
How much would it take to satisfy my heart? How much is enough? Interestingly, there are people who don't have much that want more, understandably,
Are you passing wisdom on to the next generation? Do you have young men in your family or life? The book of Proverbs is an
The doctrine of election can be a matter of division among a lot of Christians. Today's Richard's guest, Dr. Mark Gignilliat, discusses some overlapping and
What is the quality of your work? Would you like to get understanding on how to live a more fruitful life? In today's message, we
The most widely used metaphor in the Bible is farming. Metaphors are clearly one of the ways that God uses to teach us spiritual truth.
What would it mean for the world if Jesus truly did rise from the dead? And what does it mean to me personally – or
What is Lent, and why is it important? Much like Advent leading up to Christmas, Lent is a season that's really a gift for us.
How did God design us, and what were we made to long for? God is a relational being, and we are in His image, so
What would say are the biggest struggles in your life? In Part 3 we discussed how to grow in wisdom as men. Now, using that
What role do our choices play in our health? In Part 1 we learned the importance of being centered on truth. Last week we discussed
What has more power over you – your mind or your heart? Which one rules over you? The heart can easily overcome or override what
What does it mean to be a healthy man? This is a complex issue. One definition of the word healthy is, “a state of physical, mental and
How do you respond when you experience hardship? How many of us face moments in our life when we don't have a plan? Serious illness,
What is the power of a humble life? Two verses sum up how God views pride and humility: Proverbs 16:5 tells us that, “The Lord
We're studying Galatians 2 today. After an interval of 14 years, Paul goes back to Jerusalem to confront 2 false brothers – false teachers. And
Do you think God has things that He wants us to do – that He appoints us to do? It is an interesting thought! When
Today's episode previously aired on this podcast with the title “Seeking the favor of men or God?” I share it again today as it is
When I first became a Christian, I didn't think much of the book of Galatians. I didn't understand what Paul was saying. But now here
What is God like? What are the most significant attributes of God that you think of? Many people would respond that he is a righteous
Are you a part of the remnant? Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries joins us with a message for men – to help us examine where we are
Today Dr. John Guest brings a message of hope in the certainty of Jesus Christ. “I wasn’t raised to go to church. I did think
Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School joins us today with a special Advent message from the book of Isaiah. Does God seem distant to
What is the single most important factor in an abundant life, or even a successful life? Maybe you would say it's education or health, or
Richard's guest is Russell Levenson, speaker at our recent Men's Breakfast, sharing about his special relationship with President George and Barbara Bush, as well as
Where am I in my relationship with God? In I Peter 2:25, Peter writes, “For you are continually straying like sheep, but now you have
Do you feel like you’re close to God? Do you feel like you have a close relationship with Him? Missions leader John Oswald Sanders says,
I believe that many modern people don’t believe in Satan. Or, they don’t see him as being much of a threat. Interestingly, a number of
Are you bored with life? Are you happy with where your life is headed? Last week we discussed how boredom can ruin your life and
What do you think a false Christian is? Someone who goes through the motions? Someone who thinks doing good things will get them into heaven?
How would you describe the quality of your life? We are back in the book of John, continuing our study in chapter 6. In the
Who was King David of the Bible? Dr. Mark Gignilliat joins us today, exploring the fascinating and complicated life of King David, found in the
Should certain sexual behavior be declared morally right because I have a desire to do it?Are we going to allow God's truth to shape sexual
How is homosexuality impacting the church? You might think that this subject does not relate to you, but it does. We all need to know
Do you believe Christianity is true? If so, what is the evidence that you’ve built your faith on? Conversely, have you rejected the existence of
Do you want to get well? Do you want to be made whole? I find that there are so many people who are not well,
What is your mission in life? As we continue in the book of John, in this study we see that this is the third time
What is the thirst of the soul? We are in John 4, discussing Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. It is a
We live in a time where many people just want to emphasis God’s love. But really, how do we know that He is a God
Are you on a search for truth? Today we are studying John 3:1-15. In this familiar conversation that Jesus has with Nicodemus, we’re introduced to
Today we're studying John chapter 2. It’s a quick read, and full of interesting details about Jesus. He spent 30 years of His life in
When my oldest son was about nine, out of the blue he asked me, “Dad, why do you believe in God?” And I gave him
Richard joins Dr. Michael Easley to discuss Richard’s book, Reflections on The Existence of God and the importance of evidence-based belief. Why is it important
All of us have certain pictures in our minds and in our hearts of how we want life to be. Our pictures are made up
Is life worth living? And if so, how can it be lived well? Dr. Mark Gignilliat joins us with a message from the Old Testament
Happy Father's Day! Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries joins us with a message for fathers especially, but also for all men – to help us all focus
I remember watching a movie at around age 19, and laughing more than I'd ever laughed before in my entire life. About 6 months later
Would you say that you're living a healthy life? And what does a healthy life even look like? Today I'm diving into the life of
In honor of Memorial Day, Richard's guest is WWII Marine survivor Edgar Harrell, who shared his heroic survival story at one of our Men's Breakfasts
As many of you may know, pastor and author Tim Keller passed away this past Friday. I am grateful for Tim's life and his witness, and
“You just won your first major. You’ve got a beautiful young wife. You’ve got houses, cars, money, everything a 26 or 27 year-old could ever
Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries joins us today with a message calling us to give our lives away. Jesus said people that give their life away will
What does it mean to be a human being? Dr. Mark Gignilliat joins us with a message from the book of Exodus. I believe that
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