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The Rich Fool
How much is enough? This question can apply to many different areas of our lives, but today we're looking at this question in regard to

Phil Reddick – Should I Retire?
Have you given much thought to retiring someday? Richard’s guest is Phil Reddick leading this seminar on how to maximize your impact as you think

Jerry Leachman – The Beatitudes
What kind of man are you? What kind of man am I? Jesus' well-known “Beatitudes” from His Sermon on the Mount contains some of His

Dr. Mark Gignilliat – Paul Praying
Are you looking to strengthen your prayer life? Join Richard’s guest Dr. Mark Gignilliat as he teaches on the prayers of the apostle Paul. Paul’s
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The Power of a Humble Life
This book examines one of life’s greatest paradoxes, that strength is found in humility. The problem is, humility does not come naturally to us. Click on the details button below to learn more about the book
Richard E. Simmons III
Richard is the best-selling author of “The True Measure of a Man”, “Reliable Truth”, “The Power of a Humble Life”, and more. His approach is structured and methodical, and his passion is transforming lives through gaining wisdom and applying truth to every area of life. In late 2000, he founded The Center for Executive Leadership, a not-for-profit, faith-based ministry in Birmingham, Alabama.
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