Blog Test

A Significant Life (Part 2)

In last week’s blog, we looked at man’s greatest psychological need—specifically, finding a life of significance. And I explained that significance is the belief that

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A Significant Life (Part 1)

The prominent psychologist Larry Crabb maintained that in periods of economic uncertainty: Women’s security feels threatened. They worry that the mortgage won’t be paid, and

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Safe Passage – Part 3

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just

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Safe Passage: Part II

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just

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Safe Passage: Part 1

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just

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Modern Happiness

John Mark Comer says that most ethicists have historically defined happiness as a kind of contentment that comes as the result of disciplined desire. In

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The Power of Grace

Often I encounter powerful stories that I feel are worth sharing with you the reader. Recently, I stumbled back upon a story from one of

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Recommended Reading

I am often asked what books I am reading and can recommend. I am an avid reader and read several books a month. I’d like

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A Vision for Your Life

Pulitzer prize-winning composer Gian Carlo Menotti said, “Hell begins on that day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have

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What Really Matters

Today’s blog comes from an essay I wrote over twenty years ago. I found it in an old folder that was buried under a stack

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Learning to Love

I have always been intrigued by C.S. Lewis’s words describing how you can change your heart over the long haul through your actions. He says

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The Power of the Acorn

I recently gave a presentation titled, “Does the Resurrection Really matter?” I proceeded to ask the audience, “What does the resurrection mean to you personally

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Planting Seeds

I remember several years ago my wife went to a seminar that was sponsored by a highly regarded woman counsellor. They were seeking to teach

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The Tyranny of Comparison

A troubling trend has emerged among men: a sense of discontentment with their lives. The root of this issue is that many find themselves trapped

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The Adolescent Crisis

I have become a big fan of Jonathan Haidt after reading his book, The Happiness Hypothesis. Haidt, a social psychologist who teaches at the business

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Faking It Through Life

Ten years ago, I was persuaded to write a weekly blog and this past Christmas we reached our 500th blog. Over the next weeks I will

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Hidden Treasure

Ten years ago, I was persuaded to write a weekly blog and this past Christmas we reached our 500th blog. Over the next weeks I will

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Let It Begin with Me

Ten years ago, I was persuaded to write a weekly blog and this past Christmas we reached our 500th blog. Over the next weeks I will

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Making a Difference

Ten years ago, I was persuaded to write a weekly blog and this past Christmas we reached our 500th blog. Over the next weeks I will

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Fugitives from Reality

Ten years ago I was persuaded to write a weekly blog and this past Christmas we reached our 500th blog. Over the next weeks I will

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Entering a New Year

As I mentioned last week, I have now posted 500 blogs since January of 2014. Today I am going to share with you a favorite

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Blog #500

Ten years ago, I was persuaded by a few people to write a weekly blog. At the time I did not know what a blog

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Willful Blindness

When people establish a belief, they should do so because they are utterly convinced that what they are believing, that which they are putting their

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The Undermining of Atheism

I have found that there are several really powerful arguments that undermine atheistic belief. They are difficult to refute and the one I want to

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Insight Into Freedom

Author Paul David Tripp offers some profound words on the issue of freedom. He says: We’re all slaves; the question is, to whom or to

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Remembering God

It is amazing how many times in the Old Testament you read this about God’s people, “they forgot the Lord their God.” As the Jewish

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A World Full of Religions

Seminary professor Ronald Nash tells a humorous story of a student of his who went home to Bowling Green, Kentucky, for Christmas break a couple

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Facing Retirement

I am at the age where many of my peers are moving into retirement. Many have confided in me that it is a frightening thought.

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The World of Ideas

A number of years ago I read a book titled, The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis by Alister McGrath. He tells us one of the

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Your Time Is Your Life

In a book I am reading, the author asks a very pointed question. “What did you do with your life?” I realize this question may

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What It Means To Believe

I was recently reading about the significant differences between the English language and the Greek language. Arthur Brooks is one of my favorite writers and

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The Beauty of a Dandelion

One of the great intellectuals in the last century was philosopher G.K. Chesterton. C.S. Lewis says that Chesterton’s book, The Everlasting Man, played a significant

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Is That All There Is?

In 1965 one of the most famous rock songs of all time, “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones was released. Mick Jagger

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Life and Growth

I am not sure many people stop and evaluate the important areas of their life, asking themselves if they are growing and developing. If growth

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The Secret to Life

There’s a classic scene in the 1991 movie City Slickers where a father, Mitch (played by Billy Crystal), speaks to his son’s elementary school class.

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Continuous Improvement

Last week’s blog was titled, “The Power of Self-Control,” which was inspired by my reading the book Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday. There is

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Impression Management

I was recently reading where pop artist Andy Warhol famously prophesied that “in the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.” He seemed to

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Investing Our Lives

Several years ago a man sent me a wonderful story titled, It’s What You Scatter. Though I am not certain, I believe it is true. I

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The Guardian of Your Soul

I was recently reading some interesting thoughts by Dr. Richard Swenson, who is a futurist, a physician researcher, and a very fine author. He believes

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Simple Mathematics

Back in 2013, I wrote a book titled Reliable Truth: The Validity of the Bible in an Age of Skepticism. In an effort to get

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America’s Debt

With so much in the news about our countries’ debt, I thought I would re-post a blog that I wrote in May of 2018 titled

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A Nation Bewildered

I remember being in Atlanta on April 20, 1999 when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, both seniors at Columbine High School, shot and killed twelve

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What You Do in Private

I have always been fascinated by a person’s public life versus their private life. Your outer public life is the part of you that everyone

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College With No Regrets

Today we are releasing a new book titled, College With No Regrets. The subtitle is Wisdom for the Journey. We have found more and more

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Deprivation or Sacrifice?

In Romans 12:1, the Apostle Paul instructs us to be “living sacrifices.” As you keep reading it seems Paul is appealing to us to sacrifice

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No Greater Good

In his wonderful book, Preparing for Heaven, Gary Black Jr, tells a powerful story that took place in his childhood. It happened one summer while

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Your Legacy

We all have a reputation. Think about that. Everyone in your sphere of influence thinks something about you. Once your earthly life is over, your

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Understanding True Humility

Several days ago I finished the newly released biography, Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation. It is a wonderful read. This morning I had

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The Remnant

Jerry Leachman | BCC Breakfast February 16, 2023 Watch on YouTube here Transcript: I love coming back to the South. It’s the only place left

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Our Country at a Crossroads

I was recently speaking with a very well-informed gentleman who told me policemen (and policewomen) are retiring in droves and that police departments are having

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Intellectual Integrity

Three years ago I wrote a book titled, Reflections On the Existence of God. It proved to be very popular in part, I believe, because

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Acquiring Sound Wisdom

Robert Rubin was a top executive at Goldman Sachs and former Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton Administration. I recently was reading about Rubin

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Isaiah: Advent Promises

Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School, joins us with a special Advent message from the book of Isaiah. Do you feel overwhelmed by the

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Saving Us From Ourselves

In last weeks Christmas blog I wrote about the purpose of Christ coming into the world. As the angel told Joseph, “…He will save His

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To Rescue and Set Free

In this blog, that I originally wrote in 2017, I share one of my favorite stories that illustrates the ultimate reason Jesus came into the

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How Do You Explain It?

Yesterday I was interviewed as a guest on the Michael Easley podcast. At one point we talked about Jesus and the paradoxical nature of his

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Fearing the Truth

There is an interesting verse in II Thessalonians 2:10, where Paul speaks of those people who will spiritually perish because they refused to love the

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Finding Contentment

There is an intriguing quote that I often share with men as they struggle with life. It comes from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist John Cheever

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Song of Songs

What is love? Join Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School, as he teaches on the book of Song of Solomon, also called Song of

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