Building A Strong Foundation
Are you building a strong foundation for your life? It is important to know that everyone is building a house with their life. We are
Recent Talks

Psalms for the Pilgrim: The Psalms of Ascent
Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School joins us with another message from the book of Psalms. Transcript coming soon Watch on YouTube Dr. Mark

The Remnant
Jerry Leachman | BCC Breakfast February 16, 2023 Watch on YouTube here Transcript: I love coming back to the South. It’s the only place left

Isaiah: Advent Promises
Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School, joins us with a special Advent message from the book of Isaiah. Do you feel overwhelmed by the

The Modern Male Identity Crisis
Richard E. Simmons III at The Center Mens Breakfast at The Country Club of Birmingham, November 18, 2022. Watch video on YouTube here I’m really

Song of Songs
What is love? Join Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School, as he teaches on the book of Song of Solomon, also called Song of

The Psalms: Life in God’s Presence
Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School joins us with a message from the book of Psalms. If you were stranded on a deserted island

Up and Down: Victories and Struggles in the Course of Life
A conversation with Professional golfer Bubba Watson and Richard E. Simmons III at The Center Mens Breakfast at The Country Club of Birmingham, August 24,

Finding The True Riches of Life
Last week we talked initially about men’s desire for a life of significance. The fact that, at some point in our lives, we get to

The Heart Of Christianity
The message that I’m going to deliver this morning is, I believe, probably one of the most important messages that I could deliver to anyone

Jesus – Divine or Mythological?
I thought what I would do just to start this morning would be to go back and do a very quick review on what I

The Hunger of the Soul
We’ve been doing a series beginning back in August where I spoke on what’s called in some circles, apologetics. It’s defending Christianity and the Christian

The Success Trap: How Do You Measure a Man’s Life?
The talk this morning is “The success trap: how do you measure a man’s life?” And I don’t know how many of you ever read

What is the Purpose of Pain and Suffering? Part I
This morning, what I’m going to be speaking on is a very difficult topic to speak on. It’s difficult because, one, you want it to

What is the Purpose of Pain and Suffering? Part II
Last time we met, which was in January, I think was the coldest day of the year. I could barely turn the pages of my
Wisdom in your inbox from Richard E. Simmons III
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