Have you ever thought about the ideas you have and how they shape your life? The philosopher Dallas Willard says “Our ideas are the assumptions we have about reality. They are the way we think about and interpret life. Ultimately our beliefs and ideas determine how we live, and therefore our ideas about life will lead to certain consequences.”
Today I am addressing three false ideas about reality, and how to replace them with truth and wisdom, which come from God.
God is most interested in who we are becoming – and the objective is Christlikeness. Christlikeness involves your character, your wisdom and your ability to love and have deep substantive relationships. These sound very appealing, but we cannot achieve any of these in our own strength. We can change our habits and behavior, but we cannot change our own heart. God has to do a work in your life, and the only way through a relationship with Him.
The deeper a person goes into a relationship with God, the greater the transformation that takes place in their life.
Is it possible that you believe in Jesus, but you don’t know Him? Could it be that Jesus resides in your head, but has never made it down to your heart?