God’s Clorox

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.  1 John 1:7

For the last 14 years in my job at the bank, I would wear a nice suit and a tie to work each day. My clothes were pressed, my tie would shimmer and my shoes would shine. But many days it didn’t work out that way. If you have young children then you know what I’m talking about. Many mornings on the elevator someone would point out a milk stain on my sleeve, a spit-up mark on my shoulder, a food stain on my pants or a blotch of something on my shoes. In fact, one morning a co-worker pointed to a blood stain on my white shirt, left from a “boo-boo” on my child’s finger.  I think you get the idea. Stains can and often do leave a very impressionable mark.

And blood stains are the worst kind. In fact, extensive research suggests that one of the most significant staining agents in life is our own blood. Many men deal with this very issue in the morning when they cut themselves shaving and ultimately ruin a nicely pressed white-collared shirt. Blood stains are extremely difficult to remove……..and very personal.

It’s for that very reason that I am moved by what the gospel writer John has to say in his sermonic letter. John begins his letter by emphasizing the brilliance of God found in the person of Jesus Christ.  Christ is the light for us to see and thru His blood we are “cleansed from all our sin.” Did you see it? Did you catch that?  The blood of Jesus Christ cleans. The blood of Jesus Christ purifies. Blood- the most staining agent that we come in contact with actually white-washes when it comes from God in the human form of Jesus Christ.

There are many a paradox in the Christian life. The first will be last and the last will be first. The humble will be exalted and the exalted will be humbled. So here’s a little irony………God uses one of the worst staining agents of the world to ultimately cleanse his people from the filthiness of sin. How could blood possibly clean? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

So, as you find yourself dealing with a significant stain in this life, perhaps  a deep and personal stain that simply will not go away and often reminds you of what happened, come to the cross and allow the Lord to use His “staining agent” to wash you. Thank you dear Lord for the blood of your Son- Your Clorox for our messy, stain-filled lives.


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