“Every great philosopher has philosophized about it. Every great writer has written about it. And every active person has acted on it. It is the quest for…the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, the answer to the question: Why was I born? Why am I living?” In this book I seek to answer these questions recognizing that if there is a God out there, why did he put me here? What is the reason for my earthly existence?
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“Every great philosopher has philosophized about it. Every great writer has written about it. And every active person has acted on it. It is the quest for…the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, the answer to the question: Why was I born? Why am I living?” In this book I seek to answer these questions recognizing that if there is a God out there, why did he put me here? What is the reason for my earthly existence?
Richard is the best-selling author of The True Measure of a Man, Reliable Truth, The Power of a Humble Life, and more. His approach is structured and methodical, and his passion is transforming lives through gaining wisdom and applying truth to every area of life. In late 2000, he founded The Center for Executive Leadership, a not-for-profit, faith-based ministry in Birmingham, Alabama.
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