The Power of A Humble Life (Paperback)

Life for most of us is all about what we do and how successful we are. Yet in today’s culture and with the power of social media, we also want to be well-known and admired for it. This is called the pride of life. In this book I dig into the issue of pride and arrogance and then explore what I consider life’s great paradox: the power of humility.

Author and historian David Bobb captures the essence of this book in a single sentence: “Humility’s strength is hidden, obscured by our blindness and the age of arrogance in which we live.”

Humility begins with understanding who deserves the credit for all that we are and all that we have. I hope the insights in this book will enable you to cultivate a humble heart so that you might experience the power of humility. —Richard E. Simmons III

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Life for most of us is all about what we do and how successful we are. Yet in today’s culture and with the power of social media, we also want to be well-known and admired for it. This is called the pride of life. In this book I dig into the issue of pride and arrogance and then explore what I consider life’s great paradox: the power of humility.

Author and historian David Bobb captures the essence of this book in a single sentence: “Humility’s strength is hidden, obscured by our blindness and the age of arrogance in which we live.”

Humility begins with understanding who deserves the credit for all that we are and all that we have. I hope the insights in this book will enable you to cultivate a humble heart so that you might experience the power of humility. —Richard E. Simmons III

NEW! Companion Study Guide



”Humility begins with understanding who deserves the credit for all that we are and all that we have.” – Richard E. Simmons III

”Humility begins with understanding who deserves the credit for all that we are and all that we have.” – Richard E. Simmons III

This is a powerful book!

Just finished The Power of a Humble Life and learned a great deal. The research is superb and inspired me to focus more on humility.

In the midst of our complex, fast-paced and polarized society, Richard Simmons’ new book, The Power of a Humble Life, reminds us of the deep value of gratitude for our blessings, simplicity in our affairs, and humility before God and our fellow human beings. Simple but profound truths are contained in this book, just as they are revealed to those who seek earnestly for God’s will in their life.

Richard E. Simmons III

Richard is the best-selling author of The True Measure of a Man, Reliable Truth, The Power of a Humble Life, and more. His approach is structured and methodical, and his passion is transforming lives through gaining wisdom and applying truth to every area of life. In late 2000, he founded The Center for Executive Leadership, a not-for-profit, faith-based ministry in Birmingham, Alabama.

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