Is there anything out there that you would sell your house, your cars, your possessions – all that you had in order to get it?
Today we discuss the second of two of Jesus’ parables on the kingdom of heaven.
In Paul David Tripp’s book Redeeming Money, Tripp says that “the central message of these two parables is the incalculable value of the kingdom of God.”
So, what is the kingdom of God and how does it impact me?
Tripp explains that “the kingdom of heaven is “God’s gracious plan of redemption for us and the world that we live in. What is the treasure of great value and the pearl of great price? It is Christ Himself and His gift of forgiving, rescuing, transforming, and delivering grace.
These two parables argue that there’s nothing more valuable than God’s gift of His Son of grace, and there’s nothing more worth celebrating than the redemption that comes with that grace.
The parables demonstrate if you properly value this Treasure, this Pearl, it will radically alter the choices you make and the actions you take in your everyday life.“