In your eyes, what is a good man? To be caring? Honest? To put others’ needs ahead of your own?
Now, what does it mean to be a real man? Many men would eagerly answer: “a real man takes charge, takes risks.” Some might say “a real man walks like a man, talks like a man, and never cries.” There’s a real disconnect between the description of a good man and of a real man.
Many men today are confused about what it means to be a man. I believe we have false ideas on what it means to be masculine. In today’s podcast I discuss some of the traps men fall into, like the fear of failure or what I call the performance trap. These things steal our joy and weigh us down. And guys,if we fathers don’t know this, what do we teach our sons about manhood?
Who is the most important person in your life?
How would it change you if Jesus were the most important person in your life? I would tell you that it would change you radically, and would set you free from the performance trap and put you on a path to becoming Christlike.