Responding to Life’s Disappointments

Responding to Life’s Disappointments

All of us have certain pictures in our minds and in our hearts of how we want life to be. Our pictures are made up of people and circumstances.

As long as reality and our pictures are somewhat in conformity, then life is good! Everything is going well!

The problem arises when there's a gap between my picture and reality. And the greater the gap, the greater the pain and disappointment, the hurt, and just the craziness that comes into our lives. Sometimes our pictures just blow up.

How do we respond to the storms when life blows up?

The content for today's episode comes from a seminar I attended by Christian counselor and author Julie Sparkman. Check out her book Unhitching from the Crazy Train:

I greatly appreciate Julie's teaching on this subject. As I have used and applied these principles in my own life, God has impacted me in a deep way.


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