Principles of Prayer – Part 1

Principles of Prayer – Part 1

What is prayer? And what does it mean to have a prayer life?

The last time that we talked on prayer, I commented that in order to have an effective prayer life, there are certain crucial principles that are involved. Perhaps the most important is this truth of approaching God with a heart of humility.

Prayer requires humility. Interestingly, your prayer life is the key that produces humility in your life.

Humility does not come naturally to us as human beings, and therefore, it has to be cultivated in our lives. The Bible uses the phrase “humble yourself.” As you read scripture, you'll see that God truly has high esteem for the humble.

In Isaiah 66:2 God tells us, “This is the one to whom I esteem, he who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at My Word.”

This is Part 1 of a 9-part series.


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