Get in the Game

Get in the Game

What would you say to Jesus if He asked you, “What do you really want?”

Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries joins us today with a message to inspire you to get creative – to get off the sidelines and get onto the field. With the time you’ve got left, when you’re around people – build them up. Give them a lift. Be a blessing. Point them towards Jesus Christ. Every great coach will tell their team during training, “You’ve got to want it – you can’t just show up in a uniform, you’ve got to want it – love it, eat it, breathe it, drink it. You’ve got to want it.”

How will you spend the rest of your life?

Jerry is a favorite speaker at The Center’s events. Along with being an associate Chaplain in The NFL for many years, Jerry has done ministry in Guatemala, Scotland, Russia, Europe and Africa as well as all over the U.S.

He and his wife Holly have been on Young Life Staff and continue to be involved with Young Life here and also internationally.


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