Today I’d like to share a message by Dr. Tim Keller, which he gave at The Center’s Mens Breakfast in November 2019 here in Birmingham, Alabama. Tim’s message draws some lessons from the early Church for us today and what we’re facing in our own culture, as the Christian church is declining. Increasingly, you have people out there who not only don’t believe in God or don’t believe in Christianity, but actually think Christianity is bad for people. And say that religion is bad for people. And religious people are a threat to our democracy and a threat to our social order. We’ve never faced anything like that, but the early Christians certainly did.
So, then the real question is why did so many people become Christians then in the first three centuries when Christianity was so persecuted? Why would anybody want to become a Christian? Keller ends the talk with a special time of Q and A. I hope you enjoy it! – Richard
Tim Keller is the Chairman and co-Founder of Redeemer City to City, which trains pastors for ministry in global cities. He is also thefounding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the author of New York Times bestselling booksThe Reason for God,The Prodigal God, andPrayer.